Seminar Descriptions

Avoiding Pilot Errors – Presented by Adrian Eichhorn
It’s more than controlling the aircraft; learn how to avoid the hidden dangers of flying. When we’re new, it’s a lack of knowledge that bites us. Later, it’s complacency and the loss of situational awareness. Come learn why Adrian Eichhorn, a GA pilot and someone who has flown for an NFL football team, two high profile corporations, the FAA, NASA, and currently a major airline, believes the biggest factors that pilots become victim to are being distracted, fatigued, or rushed.

ForeFlight 101 – Presented by Eric Hake.
If you are new to the iPad or ForeFlight, or have questions you would like answers to, this session is for you. We will cover the basics of the iPad, installing ForeFlight Mobile, preparing your iPad for use in the cockpit, and a tour of ForeFlight Mobile itself. There will plenty of time dedicated to Q&A, and troubleshooting issues, so write down your questions and bring them to
the class.

ForeFlight Mobile: New Features and Accessories – Presented by Eric Hake
Team ForeFlight rolls out new features and updates at a blistering pace. Last year, twenty software releases and dozens of new features were introduced, making it difficult to keep up with all the latest advances. In this session, we will cover each of the new features, plus a whole lot more. There will also be a discussion of the various accessory options, such as the top selling Stratus 2, ADSB/ WAAS GPS / AHRS unit and a host of other cockpit accessories as well. Bring your iPad and a list of questions for this interactive presentation.

ForeFlight Pro: Tips & Techniques – Presented by Eric Hake
Dig deeper into the advanced features found in ForeFlight Pro. Many of the newest ForeFlight developments are only available with a Pro level subscription. Features like: georeferenced approach plates and airport diagrams (US), Hazard Advisor, Plates on Maps, Flight Alerts, Annotations for plates, taxi diagrams, and documents, and cloud document storage for aviation pubs, are covered in detail. Additionally, we will discuss many of the strategies and techniques employed by the Pros to help you get the most out of ForeFlight Pro.

GPS: Beyond the Basics - Presented by Doug Stewart
In this seminar doing more than “Going Perfectly Straight” with your GPS will be discussed. For the VFR pilot using a handheld GPS, a variety of ways to get greater utility beyond “going direct” will be discussed, as well as addressing some of the dangerous traps that can lead to disaster. For the IFR pilot ways of dealing with the many curves that ATC can throw at a pilot in a quick and efficient manner will be discussed. Suggestions for using an IFR certified GPS to enter and fly holds effortlessly, along with a look at some of the traps waiting to catch the unprepared pilot while flying approaches will be explored. Whether you are a VFR or IFR pilot using GPS navigation, this seminar has something for you..

Managing the Airplane’s Energy: The Key to Safety and Efficiency – Presented by Dr. Juan Merkt
Poor energy management is a major contributing factor in fatal accidents and is also responsible for wasted fuel. This presentation raises awareness of the need for basic energy training, lays the groundwork for key energy principles, and suggests some ways to put these principles into practice.

The “No Reservations” Alaska Tour – Presented by Ken Wittekiend
Many of us have dreamed of flying a light airplane to the 49th state. Well, join us as we discuss what it takes, how to prepare and learn the “tricks and traps” of an amazing journey. Four airplanes including three Super Cubs and a Cessna 172 spent several weeks last summer visiting some of the most amazing wild places on earth. Come and experience the beauty, challenge and excitement as these pilots describe their adventures with cockpit video, maps, equipment and lots of stories.

We guarantee you’ll be entertained, fascinated and motivated to make your own “No Reservations” journey.

Night Flying: Operational Hazards and Physical Limitations – Presented by Adrian Eichhorn Good news; you’re a pilot capable of flying day or night! Bad news; you probably weren’t taught how to reduce the risks associated with flying during the hours of darkness! If you want to learn more about the operational hazards and physical limitations that pertain to night flying don’t miss this seminar. Find out what you should know about dark adaptation, visual illusions, operational hazards, and the regulations and that pertain to night flying.

Overwater Flight: Ditching and Water Survival - Presented by Dr. Steve Cusick If you are planning on flying to the Bahamas, this seminar is an absolute prerequisite. It will explore the planning, weather, fatigue management and survival skills necessary for successful ditching. Dr. Cusick, who flew SAR missions for the US Navy, will discuss typical survival equipment and checklist steps for underwater egress from a sinking aircraft. The session will conclude with rescue and helicopter pickup tips.

Preparing For The Unexpected: Do The Right Thing – Presented by Doug Stewart
All too often pilots will act impulsively when faced with an unexpected event, and sometimes their “startle response” will weld the final link in the chain leading to an accident that sadly is fatal. Doug will present a variety of scenarios to help you prepare for that unexpected event, and offer vital suggestions to aid you in Doing The Right Thing when the unexpected does happen to you.

Single Pilot IFR: Skilled Confident and Safe – Presented by Doug Stewart
In this seminar the many demands of flying as a single pilot under instrument flight rules will be addressed. Drawing on his wealth of experience, Doug will offer numerous tips on how to manage the many risks and challenges of flying Single Pilot IFR. Learn tips about preflight planning, staying ahead of the airplane, effective communication, briefing the approach, and many more… leading to you becoming a safe and confident pilot not only in the IFR world, but in the VFR environment as well.

The Spectrum of Hypoxia – Presented by Dr. Paul “Doc” Busa
There exists a spectrum to hypoxia that is relevant for all aviation. From the moment the “wheels are off the ground” the fundamental principle of reduced pressure begins to affect us at various altitudes. This begins with significant changes in gas volumes that can lead to a trapped gas phenomena followed by changes of color vision as well as slow onset hypoxia.

Dr. Busa has developed a CRM and scenario based physiological training that integrates the mandatory high altitude endorsement (HAE) training objectives with the strongly recommended altitude chamber training programs (ACT) into a single training session to further enhance quality of training related to cabin pressurization management and non-pressurized technically advanced aircraft (TAA). This allows the trainees to exceed the minimum training requirements and further enhance their knowledge of cabin pressurization management in a timely and cost effective manner. From his experience, much can be learned that is also relevant to general aviation pilots even if they fly “low and slow”.

Stick and Rudder Skills in a Glass Cockpit World – Presented by Tony Johnstone
This forum is an interactive discussion of basic flying skills that may have decayed in an automated cockpit. Emphasis is placed on piloting skills, with tips observed from flying with a wide variety of pilots of varying skill and experience levels. Some practical points that may keep you from becoming a statistic will be offered!!

Tailwheel Tips and Tricks – Presented by Doug Stewart and Ken Wittekiend
It is said that when “flying” a tailwheel airplane you are not done flying until the engine is shut down and the tiedown ropes are attached, and we will attest to that. Some of the most important lessons to be learned in a taildragger are those lessons on the ground, especially when the wind is blowing. Learn from two of the best in the business of tailwheel instruction. Even if you fly an airplane with the little wheel in front, there is something to be learned in this seminar.

Threat & Error Management (Defensive Flying for Pilots): The Pro’s practice it, why shouldn’t YOU? – Presented by Mark Adams
This seminar is an interactive program that introduces as well as practices the concepts of Threat and Error Management. Well known by professional pilots, these concepts are simple and straight forward, yet they are rarely practiced by most general aviation pilots.

“What Were They Thinking?” : The Difference in Emotion and Cognition – Presented by Ken Wittekiend
A professional golfer blows a commanding lead in the Masters. A Navy pilot flies into the back of the carrier in good weather. A Southwest Airlines crew lands at the wrong airport. A highly experienced mountaineering guide dies on Everest along with his clients after telling friends and family “we’ve got Everest totally wired.”

So how is it that these folks failed to see, failed to decide and failed to balance the dual forces of emotion and cognition in order to succeed? What were they thinking? Well it turns out to be a far more complex and interesting question than we might believe. After all, as pilots we are told that aeronautical decision making and risk management is a matter of thinking clearly about t he hazards we all face. So why is it we keep having the same problems?

Come to this fast paced, informative seminar and find out why we sometimes do things that seem to make no sense. You’ll also learn how to balance the twin forces of emotion and cognition to help you cope when things go wrong.